The Jean Cocteau Committee

Jean Cocteau – Opium – The poet’s hand

Jean Cocteau – Faun

It’s purpose is:

to defend and promote the work of Jean Cocteau, both nationally and internationally, particularly through the granting of authorizations by its President, Dominique Marny, the grand-niece of Jean Cocteau, in accordance with the moral rights of the artist;

and to assist the President in exercising moral rights through consultative opinions provided by the Committee members in all fields illustrated by the poet (visual arts, audiovisual, publishing, etc.), ensuring that derivative products, in particular, respect the integrity of the work.

The Board of Directors

President: Dominique Marny

Vice-president: Carole Weisweiller

General Secretary: Anne-Gaële Duriez

Treasurer: Roy Dauvergne

Directors: Pierre Caizergues
Orphée, Morgane Dermit
David Gullentops
Patrick Martin (Expertise)

Photo: Dominique Marny – © Sandrine Cellard

Moral Rights

All requests for authorization concerning the production, reproduction, representation, translation of Jean Cocteau’s works, or more generally, the use of his name, must be addressed to the Jean Cocteau Committee.

The presentation and content of this site constitute a work protected by current intellectual property laws, of which the Jean Cocteau Committee and Jean Cocteau Diffusion are the sole holders.


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